
Why do we like the Smell of Essence?

Risk of dependence on inhalation of gasoline The most significant risk to the addict when inhaling gasoline includes:

– permanent damage to the brain.

– Respiratory problems.

– weak immune system.

– Blood abnormalities.

– Heart damage.

– Chronic headache.

– Feeling tired.

– Damage to the liver and kidneys.

– Bleeding of the nose.

– Abortion.

– Arrhythmia.

– Birth of low birth weight children.

Blood pressure disorder.

– Pneumonia. Cerebral hemorrhage.

– Tics.

– Family and financial problems.

– Death:

An estimated 100 people died of gasoline inhalation between 1981 and 2003 in Australia alone.

What do you think?

Written by laiface

Petroleum Refining Stadiums

The most important petroleum products…!!!